Are Pre-Trip Inspections worth the time and effort?

The immediate response to that question, “You darn right they are worth the time and effort.” Now, let’s take a look at why that is the only answer to the question. A comprehensive pre-trip inspection will take from 15 to 30 minutes to complete. During the course of the day a casual walk around at…

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A fresh look at safety and training in the transportation safety industry. Safety, in the transportation industry, has experienced constant change since the Saturday morning safety meetings with all the drivers present, boxes of doughnuts, pots of coffee, and exchange of information between the driver resource and management. We now operate in a world of…

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SMS Insights

Question of the week: Are we using an effective methodology in the presentation of SMS to our driver resources? This question rose to the surface in a discussion last week about SMS Percentiles, roadside inspection violations, and how to effectively manage our driver resources to remain in the coveted Below Intervention rating designation. The question…

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Roadside Inspection Success

Unsafe Driving: Identifying Risks and Preventing Accidents

Tired of viewing triangles on your Portal Account? Roadside inspections, and their consequences can slow you down and create concern in your shippers and brokers! Lower your scores and get more freight! Here is your roadmap: Educate your drivers Reward with incentive Avoid Pitfalls Eliminate triangles Lower scores Pull more loads Know what the DOT…

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Things that go BUMP in the night

Some events you don’t even try to put into words. Especially when you have a dash-cam that can present the event so much more vividly. I was aware of the flashing lights on a vehicle some distance ahead of me. I was passed by a vehicle whose brake lights flashed upon approaching the vehicle with…

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Spring has officially Sprung

And the reason that I am sure is that last week I drove to Lancaster, OH and all that I saw along the way were ORANGE BARRELS! I kid you not, they stretched from WI to OH and an uglier sight I have never seen. As an after thought, which do I detest more the orange…

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Annual Roadcheck Inspection

June 6-8 is the annual safety inspection Grand Event. It is estimated that an average of 15 trucks and buses are inspected every minute during this annual “reminder” that the roadside inspections are alive and well. Using the 2016 OOS inspection statistics, that means that 9,080 vehicles and 1,436 drivers be awarded an unexpected parking space…

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